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What is NitroCleanTM?

NitroClean is an innovative process using a specific combination of inert, high-pressure, non-flammable, moisture-free gas, with electronically safe, environmentally friendly cleaners which remove carbon, dust, grease, and foreign materials from the internal components of electrical equipment. 

Tested & Documented

Testing is performed before and after a NitroClean, and a test report is provided. NitroClean affords the comfort of knowing the reliability of the machinery that is essential to safe and productive systems operations.

Contact our customer support team


A Plan to Fit Your Budget & Needs

Three levels of NitroClean services are available, NitroClean Basic, NitroClean, and NitroClean Plus. If you are not sure which NitroClean process is best for your individual application, one of our technical field supervisors will assist you.

Do you need help or would you like to schedule your NitroClean? Contact us at


check_orange-bg NitroAnalysis

Used for elevator modernization projects to evaluate the integrity of hoist machines which see increased loading when modernized. NitroClean not performed.

NitroAnalysis includes:

  • Electrical evaluation
  • Mechanical evaluation
  • Comprehensive report with repair priority matrix (view a sample report)

check_orange-bg NitroCleanTM Basic

Primarily used in situations where equipment is not functioning correctly due to breakdown in ground insulation. It is an attempt to clear poor readings sufficient enough to allow operation of unit until more extensive service can be scheduled.1

check_orange-bg NitroCleanTM 

Used extensively as preventative maintenance in industrial and elevator systems. Numerous hospitals, nursing homes, as well as production lines schedule annual NitroClean service.

check_orange-bg NitroCleanTM Plus

Used for elevator modernization projects to provide electrical and mechanical evaluation. Addresses requirements outlined in modernization specification.


1NitroClean cannot clear shorted, blown, or open windings.

2Where applicable.

Download our NitroClean PDF


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676 Ramsey Ave.
Hillside, NJ 
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